8th November 2022

Get to know your knees - An Audience with Professor Paul Lee at 108 Harley Street Monday 21 November

Leading orthopaedic surgeon Professor Paul Lee hosts free ‘patient event’ - including personal consultations – at 108 Harley Street to discuss Arthrosamid®, a new treatment to ease knee pain without surgery.

108 Harley Street Patient Event

Around 8.5 million people in the UK (that’s around 1 in 5 people aged over 45 in England1) live with the discomfort of osteoarthritis (OA). Despite this large suffering population, many current treatments and medications have limited impact or unpleasant side-effects, with invasive knee replacement surgery often viewed as the inevitable solution for those affected by OA in the knee.

Now, with the start of the winter weather likely to exacerbate aches and pains in knee joints – plus the imminent ski season putting additional pressure on overall ‘wear and tear’ – there’s never been a better time to find out more about a non-invasive (single injection) treatment, Arthrosamid® at a free ‘face to face’ patient information event hosted by Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and specialist in Sports and Regenerative Medicine, Professor Paul Lee at 108 Harley Street (Monday 21 November, 11:45am -2.15pm).

Professor Paul Lee explains:

“I was the first doctor in the UK to use Arthrosamid® injections to treat patients with knee pain. I have now treated over 100 knees and our results are similar to those seen in clinical trials, which is very reassuring. With volume comes experience, and at 108 Harley Street we have developed specific protocols to help our patients to achieve optimal results for their injection.”

Arthrosamid® is a polyacrylamide hydrogel first developed by Contura International Ltd. It is a long-lasting intra-articular injection approved in Europe for the treatment of knee OA – and has the potential to change the present care pathway for managing this often-debilitating condition.

Mr. Simon Marsh, Surgical Director at 108 Harley Street, adds:

“Arthrosamid® is a relatively new injection treatment for arthritis of the knee. Unlike some other injections for knee OA, Arthrosamid® acts by forming a cushion between the exposed bony surfaces in the joint.

“This can reduce pain and improve function and lead to an improved quality of life. We are delighted to have Professor Paul Lee at 108 Harley Street. He has extensive experience of using Arthrosamid® to help people with knee pain.”

Consisting of 2.5% cross-linked polyacrylamide and 97.5% non-pyrogenic water, a single 6ml dose of Arthrosamid® is injected into the joint space, becoming embedded in the synovial membrane2 and can relieve pain in one single treatment3. Patients can expect to see improved mobility and pain relief within a few weeks3 Interestingly, the development of Arthrosamid® followed impressive clinical data with Arthramid® Vet, a related product of the company, in the treatment of lameness in horses.

Contura’s CEO, Rakesh Tailor comments:

“We’re so pleased to be working with Paul Lee and the team at 108 Harley Street and this really is a fantastic chance for local patients to ‘pop in’ to find out more about Arthrosamid from one of the UK’s leading experts in musculoskeletal health, in addition to this ‘one-off’ opportunity for free, 10-minute consultation with Prof Lee. The discomfort caused by knee OA can hugely impact a patient’s quality of life, making everyday activities feel challenging. I really would encourage anyone looking for a long-term solution for knee pain to come along on November 21st to hear more about this novel treatment which is becoming widely accessible in clinics across the UK.”

Notes to editors:

Contura is headquartered in London and has its manufacturing facility in Copenhagen, Denmark. It develops and manufactures innovative medical products in the fields of women’s health, orthopaedics and animal health using its unique, patented hydrogel technology.

Its hydrogel-based products are non-particulate and biocompatible, allowing for its non-absorbable, non-migratory and highly durable properties. For more information, visit contura.com

New data (first released at the Annual Congress of OA Research International, OARSI, in March 2022) highlights impressive 2-year results, showing that a single injection of Arthrosamid® continued to be “well-tolerated and demonstrated clinically relevant and statistically significant effectiveness in reducing pain, at 2 years after treatment”4 In all trials to date, Arthrosamid® has been shown to have no serious adverse events with any device related events mild and transient in nature5. And a growing number of anecdotal cases in Demark report many patients, 5-8 years out from treatment are still pain free.


1. NICE Guidance

2. Christensen, L., Camitz, L., Illigen, K.E., Hansen, M., Sarvaa, R., Conaghan, P.G., 2016. Synovial incorporation of polyacrylamide hydrogel after injection into normal and osteoarthritic animal joints. Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society 24, 1999-2002.

3. 6 months IDA - Bliddal, H, Overgaard, A, Hartkopp, A et al. (2021) Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Injection for Knee Osteoarthritis: A 6 Months Prospective Study. Journal of Orthopedic Research and Therapy, 6 (2). 1188. ISSN 2575-8241

4. Bliddal H, A, Beier J, Hartkopp Conaghan PG, et al. (2022) A Prospective study of Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Injection for Knee Osteoarthritis: Results from 2 years after treatment. Poster presented at OARSI 2022

5. DAISY safety - Overgaard, A., Bliddal, H,. Henriksen, M,. 2019. Safety of intra-articular polyacrylamide hydrogel for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis symptoms: A retrospective case series. Clin Ortho Adv Res.