Kuule asiantuntijoita

Mr Sean Curry - What is Arthrosamid

Mikä on Arthrosamid®?

Mr Sean Curry - Would you have Arthrosamid

Olisiko sinulla Arthrosamid®?

Mr Sean Curry Intro Clinical Practice

Esittele itsesi ja kliininen käytäntösi

Mr Sean Curry - Managing Knee OA

Miten lähestyt polven OA:n hoitoa?

Mr Sean Curry -  What to expect during Arthrosamid appointment

Mitä jonkun pitäisi odottaa, kun he saavat Arthrosamidia®?

Mr Sean Curry - Downsides trying Arthrosamid

Mitkä ovat Arthrosamidin® kokeilemisen haittapuolet?

Mr Sean Curry - When did you first use Arthrosamid

Milloin käytit Arthrosamidia® ensimmäisen kerran?

Mr Sean Curry - who do you think are best patients

Ketkä ovat mielestäsi parhaita potilaita?

Sean Curry - what happens if Arthrosamid doesn't work

Mitä tapahtuu, jos Arthrosamid® ei toimi?

Sean Curry - How do you treat with Arthrosamid

Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia konsultoivan ortopedisen ja traumakirurgin Sean Curryn kanssa - Kuinka hoidat jotakuta klinikallasi Arthrosamidilla®?

Mr Sean Curry - Best Patients Treated Part 1

Voitko kertoa minulle parhaista potilaistasi?

Mr Sean Curry - Best Patients Treated Part 2

Voitko kertoa minulle parhaista potilaistasi? (Osa 2)

Mr Sean Curry - How does Arthrosamid work

Miten Arthrosamid® vaikuttaa? Miten se eroaa muista injektoitavista aineista?

Mark Webb - Introduction

Mark Webb How many patients have you treated so far

Mark Webb - How many patients have you treated so far?

Mark Webb What would you advise patients post injection

Mark Webb - What would you advise patients post-treatment?

Mark Webb Patient Follow Up

Mark Webb Patient Follow up

Mark Webb PROMS and Patient Satisfaction Survey

Mark Webb - PROMS and Patient Satisfaction Survey

Mark Webb What is included in the package if treated at GOP

Mark Webb - What is included in the package if treated with Grosvenor Orthopaedic Partners (GOP)?

Mark Webb What is the process if a patient would like to have Arthrosamid with you

Mark Webb - What is the process if a patient would like to have Arthrosamid® with you?

Mark Webb Your experience with Arthrosamid

Mark Webb - Your experience with Arthrosamid®

Mark Webb What are the most imporant things to discuss with patients before the injection

Mark Webb - What are the most important things to discuss with patients before the injection?

Mark Webb Would you be an ideal patient

Mark Webb - Who would be an ideal patient?

Mark Webb Why did you start offering this product to our knee OA patients

Mark Webb - Why did you decide to start offering this product to your knee OA patients

Mr Chethan Jayadev

Chethan Jayadev Introduction

Chethan Jayadev - Introduction

Chethan Jayadev What is knee osteoarthritis

Mr Chethan Jayadev What is knee osteoarthritis?

Chethan Jayadev Pain and Osteoarthritis

Chethan Jayadev - Pain and Osteoarthritis

Chethan Jayadev Where does the pain come from when you have osteoarthritis

Chethan Jayadev - Where does the pain come from when you have osteoarthritis?

Chethan Jayadev What is synovitis

Chethan Jayadev What is synovitis?

Chethan Jayadev How do you know if you have synovitis

Chethan Jayadev - How do you know if you have synovitis?

Chethan Jayadev Which stage of osteoarthritis is synovitis

Chethan Jayadev - Which stage of osteoarthritis is synovitis?

Chethan Jayadev What options are there for patients

Chethan Jayadev - What options are there for patients?

Chethan Jayadev What is Arthrosamid

Chethan Jayadev - What is Arthrosamid®?

Chethan Jayadev - How does Arthrosamid® differ from alternative treatments?

Chethan Jayadev How did you hear about Arthrosamid

Chethan Jayadev - How did you hear about Arthrosamid®?